'What's Good?' Paterico Fallico X 'Changa's Bangers'
Welcome to round 21 of the latest LUXBMX journal segment, 'What's Good?'. To reiterate, we reach out to one of the homies and get a hot tip on the latest biking madness. It's called 'What's Good?' and for this instalment, I've sought out Gold Coast based biker, Paterico Fallico to understand what inspiration the dude takes from a BMX video perspective.

The 'What's Good?' series has largely featured biker boys from the street and trails side of town, and naturally, their selections have leaned that way.
Today, we make a deviation and eventually a pitstop to the park scene, bringing in the voice of 27 year old Canberra born and Gold Coast based biker, Paterico Fallico. If you aren't following the dude on socials, which is unlikely, you may not be clued into the incredible ramp riding abilities of PF. Handling a variety of different park features is what he does best, from the box jump to a wallride, to a spine to his natural habitat a la hitching post. I have never caught the kid ride in person, but one day I'll be lucky enough and I will come with high expectations.
While in the midst of a trip to America to feature in the Props 'Retro Jam' held at Woodward, PF made some time to put his mind to what has been a key influence as to his riding style and personality. To be honest, this one initially surprised me and then with the benefit of time, it started to make complete sense. Doesn't hurt that the two dudes are good mates and have spent plenty of time riding together in the past.
Anyway, let's get into it. LUXBMX proudly presents 'What's Good?' with Paterico Fallico.

"The person that has inspired my riding for what it is today, is a good friend of mine, Chance Brejnakowski."
What do you like about the way the dude rides?
Chance has some of the gnarliest tech combo’s in the game, but could also hit a quarter and click one of the best inverts/turndowns you could see.
Why do you think this video came to mind, was it a recent watch, something that has stuck in your memory, a suggestion from a mate etc..?
If I would have to choose my favorite video part from him, Changa’s Bangers is definitely top of the list for me, like I said, every clip has you saying “wow!” All the tech stuff, but he also inspired me to want to crank a turndown haha.
Also, the music goes very well with the riding I feel, and anything filmed and edited by Greg Phillips was always gonna be bangin’ video to watch!
Why do you think you connect with Chance and his style of riding?
He definitely pushes the boundaries when it comes to riding tech, which makes the session so much better. We’re always pushing each other especially when it would come to filming a vlog, that’s when the session really gets heated!
You could pick a handful of individual clips and touch on the specifics, like his knee folded really far on that table, or how he nose dipped that one really tight etc. From what I know, in his video ‘Changa’s Bangers’ he was the first person to do the 3 nose 3 which was the most mind melting thing ever. Then later down the track he one upped it and did truck nose 3! Ever since I saw both of those, I had to learn it! Chance fuckin’ rules!

Is it weird being friends with someone who you've grown up loving watch ride?
Hmm, I dunno, I wouldn't say weird. It's kinda cool I reckon, like watching someone and going "I wish I could do the shit he does" to doing pretty similar stuff and with him at the same time, gets me super stoked.
He doesn't ride as much because he now works in the mines, so it's pretty hard for him to have some solid time off, but he definitely still loves to ride.
Do you remember how you first got into his video and what the feeling was like watching it for the first time?
Yeah, just because I always hung out with him when I was younger and just always saw him doing cool foot jam shit, I was like oiii teach me that haha.
Oh yeahh I remember just literally being blown away hey, a lot of the shit in there is like what the hell haha, then makes you wanna go out and try some of it.
Any tricks that you have in mind to try but haven't got to yet? Perhaps influenced by Chance?
Hmm I do have a few, not so much influenced by him though.
Cheers PF!
Certainly worth giving this one a watch, now over 10 years old with 150k+ views, this has the potential to make you re-think your interpretation or otherwise serve to open your mind to a dude who you might not have heard of doing incredibly progressive tricks ahead of his time.