Here we have a couple Brisbane OGs taking the casual approach and to no surprise, the video comes across as far as possible from feeling forced. Sneak a look at the latest project from LUXBMX pro/VX overlord Raph Jeroma-Williams as he takes to the streets with drain kid, Nathan Seeley.

It wasn't until I was lucky enough to have the company of 3 legend blokes and bikers, Jerry, Raph and Seeley, in sharing a day of biking on the Sunshine Coast, that I became aware of this project. Being on the edges of what's going on in Brisbane BMX these days, it's always sick to get an 'in the flesh' update when the crew come to meet up, making news more exciting.
Waiting in the wings, it is then super fulfilling to see the project come to light with minimal hype and foreshadowing. I guess that is typical of the Drain Kids style, which offers a well-received balancing out of the trending style of self-promotion and instantaneous gratification.
What makes this even cooler is that it makes its way to the surface amidst the twilight years of Seeley's biking years, having to contend with an ageing body as well as work and life priorities. Being in this space myself, I have a lot of respect for dudes who are able to keep this shit happening. To be frank, it has worked to spark a motivation to get out, ride more and create my own video.

Anyway, enough of that. With this project made public approaching a fortnight ago, I wanted to get some words from Seeley in support of the video, to give I and all, a better understanding of what went on to make this thing happen. So here we are.
"Probably the most natural video part I've put together. Riding and filming with Raph has been the best. There was no pressure to 'get clips' and it felt more like a documentation of the spots we would just find randomly. The title 'No Plan, Good Plan' was exactly how we put it together. Only thing we would do was pick an area and then go explore.
I don't do heaps of tricks and I don't ever riding skateparks/plazas because I'd rather be looking for unknown/less ridden spots that suit what I do. I get the same feeling from finding a new spot as I do landing a new trick. To me, that's what street riding is. I still have a big list of spots in Brisbane that no one knows about.
Have to give a big shout out to Raph. It's been a pleasure riding and filming together. He gets what I do and in my eyes is the only true street rider in Brisbane."

Get sussin' boys and girls, as Seeley explains, this isn't about glitz and glamour, the latest tricks, the coolest b-roll, it's about a love for freedom via bikes on crusty ass spots. If not for any other reason, you might want to view this one for some really great export quality, the Raph VX rig continues to make the world around us look absolutely beautiful.