Freestyle Blog
New videos, photos, interviews, updates and everything happening in freestyle BMX though the LUXBMX lens!
'Bluey's World': BTS with Louie Hewitt
Welcome all my brothers and sisters. The LUXBMX Journal has you covered today, especially if you were seeking to have something shake you up, to hear a different perspective, to see something a little off-kilter to the norm. Take a dive into a discussion with emerging Sydney biker, Louie 'Bluey' Hewitt.
Read moreCovert Conversations: With Brayden McPharlin
Take a read as we get the low down on the latest Brayden McPharlin video part, with the man himself taking us through some of the key moments.
Read moreWhat's Good? Luke Snelling X 'How Hard Is It'
Perth loves Perth and I love that. Take a sniff as we handle episode 20 of the LUXBMX 'What's Good?' series, featuring Luke Snelling. This is a classic for all you trendy ledge gropers, take it in good and proper.
Read moreFocalpoint 'Clocked In': Behind the Scenes with Leon Sablinskis
Take a read as LUXBMX goes behind the scenes with Leon Sablinskis, the editor of many a classic Australian BMX DVD, as we narrow in on what it was like to produce the Focalpoint 'Clocked In' film.
Read moreMusic to Memory: TCU 'Y&R' X Portishead 'Dummy'
'Music to Memory' a near faded concept, resurrected before the shadows engulf. This is a piece written under the intention of combining BMX and music, to then indulge on going deep into an album which has worked to influence the biking landscape.
Read moreWhat's Good? Cobe Hansen X Markit 'Zero'
We're back, it's been a couple weeks without a 'What's Good?' as other pieces are prioritised. Thanks to the efforts of Cobe Hansen, episode 19 of the series awaits your eager eyes, click through to read about and watch the selection of young Cobe.
Read moreStayin' Busy: With Jayden Fong
Having started off with the intention of delivering another 'What's Good?' episode, the temptation was too hot to branch into further topics of discussion. Take a read as LUXBMX delves into life in Perth and of course, BMX videos, with ex-Sydney biker Jayden Fong.
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