What's Good? Brodie Butterfield x 'Mutiny - Let's Get Mystical'
Brodie - tyreslide in the deep end, check that gorgeous chainwheel out
Having noticed Brodie in the 'burbs of Brisbane recently, and after catching him here and there at various BMX events over the years, tapping into his BMX video knowledge seemed like a good idea. As an idea of the dudes association with BMX, Mitch Wood and I dropped in to his place back in 2010/2011 on a trip to Sydney (whilst also sniffing out Freddo's). This was around the time that Brodie was living in Kempsey and chucking jams at the local skatepark in raising money for charity. That was now over a decade ago.
Still roasting bowls, although now those located in the southern fringes of Brisbane, Brodie is raising a young family and enjoying the QLD weather. Shout him out if you connect at LUX or a SEQ jam.
So for someone who has been lurking around the web, the workshop bike rack in BMX stores, skatepark shelters and BMX jams for so long, you know this dude is going to have a great selection for 'What's Good?'.
Let's find out
"As someone who spent their teens and twenties consuming almost every edit and video that came out, there were a lot of sections I considered and most of them were from the late 00s-early 10s. I considered Chase Hawk's 'Chill Bro' section or Mikey's 'Anthem 2' section, but they've been written about plenty and I don't think I could add anything unique to that discourse. I then considered a few options from the 'Fast and Loose' crew, but again, these were contemporary and already very celebrated. I wasn't sure where to go, but then I watched Mutiny's 'Let's Get Mystical' (LGM) on the train the other day, and Robbo's PA section sucked me in, as it did the first time I watched it.
LGM represented the zenith of Joe Simon's BMX filmmaking. The cinematic lighting, the HD cameras (big deal at the time), the soundtrack and the editing were all very influential. Then the PA section rolls around, and it was filmed in Super 8. This immediately made it stand out, and complimented the autumnal foliage and that Brian Jonestown Massacre song so well. This isn't the 'best' trails section ever, but I think it's my favourite. Robbo's riding is trails riding at its most refined, dropping all unnecessary elements.
At first glance, this looks like a section of kick outs, turn bars and tables, but it's more nuanced than that. It is the way that hallowed Lehigh Valley clay was meant to be ridden. It's the right manoeuvre for the right jump, executed as it should be. Despite all the above mysticism, more than anything it makes me want to go ride It makes me want to find a spot in the woods, get half way through building a lip before abandoning the project and going back to the skatepark."
Lol, me too.
I feel confident in saying that how Brodie describes this video would be consistent with many, many other bikers out there, it really was a big moment in BMX video history. Savour the beauty below, noting that the Robbo PA section starts at 10.50.
That wraps it up. Enjoy this one my friends!