Pondfest 2023
Over the weekend of the 4-6 August, S&M & Fit Bike Co's Chris Moeller (and his wife Melissa) decided to invite a bunch of friends to their property out in Pagosa Springs, Colorado (5 hour drive south of Denver and 13 hour drive east of LA), a beautifully idyllic spot situated within and flanked by, the San Juan Mountain ranges.
The name of the game, do BMX and do it right. Supported by a long line of current and emerging legends, the crew turn-out was amazing, a show of solidarity for the influence of Moeller and an indication of commitment to having fun. The property is nestled into a hill and is improved with a stream, pond and the main attractor, a set of trails. As one of the interviewed punters notes, 'everything that is good, is here'.
Moeller's spot, how good. Screenshot taken from the video
I understand this is the second iteration of what is now known as 'Pondfest' and all going well, will not be the last. What struck me about this video, and why I'm sharing it for the LUXBMX audience, is that the video made me feel good, it made me smile. It might sound basic, perhaps even a little elementary, but it is a marker of success and one that is tried and tested. How can you not when you have a mix of all ages, including Troy McMurray with his daughters taking to the trails, an incredible golden hour, lake jumping, camping, trains all day, maximum fun - minimal seriousness and an almost tangible feeling of community and mateship.
Keith Hartwell impressing those who bear witness, huge heights, great look. Screenshot taken from the video
Secondly, as always, Stew Johnson leaves his mark on the event, bringing the viewer as close as possible to feeling the atmosphere of the day without being there. It's still criminally underdone in BMX, but the mini-interviews are all time, as individual moments are narrated and the personalities of those involved are able to come forward. Take for example, the lake jumping, how good to get a behind the scenes look at the sketchy ass roll-in, the thoughts of those watching, the status of the 1975 era steed in which only just managed to escort bikers to the water. Without the narration, it would just be another lake jump session that is great and all that, but not really memorable. I will certainly remember this one, and not because of the riding, but how it felt watching it.
Moeller with the half-backflip during the lake jump session, screenshot taken from the video
It was a lovely surprise to see Steve Woodward sportin' a LUXBMX shirt. The dude doesn't have any obligations to LUX, but chooses to represent the brand and we love that.
LUX in the house. Front of shot, Mike Aitken and to his side, Corey Martinez. Screenshot taken from the video
As above, you can see that Aitken made an appearance and a heartfelt one at that. Alongside dudes such as Ian Morris (owner of United Bike Co), Corey Nastazio, Justin Spriet, Clint Reynolds and Adam Baker, Aitken was genuinely hyped to be around the 'BMX family' (as he puts it) and not only hit the warm-up run, but took it to the main line to round out the weekend. It was beautiful to see. Adding to this, I'll just note that Aitken points to our mate Jason Watts as a biker to watch, can't imagine how good that would feel to have the might of Aitken single you out.
Look at that crew. Love to see it. Screenshot taken from the video
That there are people out there pushing BMX in the direction that this video leads is a must. For it to maintain a connection with the purity of its roots, there needs to be this kind of thing.
Well done to all involved.