High Five: With Brok Overell

G'day and welcome to another article making its way onto the digital pages of the LUXBMX journal. We press on with recreating magazine quality content, a service fulfilling the gap left from discovering the BMX scene in a patient and curated way - month by month, page by page. 

Today we see a young Sunshine Coast photographer rise to the surface. After chatting with the dude on other matters, I was struck by his fervour and eagerness. The kid is also super grounded, keen to learn and respectful to the natural order of the BMX scene, qualities which are super valuable, and representative of a BMX culture which LUX seeks to support. 

The dude's name is Brok Overell, now based in Newcastle after growing up apart of the 'SC Bulldogs' crew from the northern beaches of the Sunshine Coast. You may recognise his face from a selection of recent SEQ jams. 

Brok is a chronic taker of photos, which we will come to learn more about in the future on other projects. For now, we've worked to curate 5 of the dudes favourite photos, supported with a detailed description of the story surrounding the moment and why these stand out from other photos.

I love that these images represent a lifestyle that we bikers all can connect to, the roof of a friends parents house, meeting characters in the night, exploration and of course, biking. Hopefully you find some enjoyment out of this piece too.

Take it away Brok!

'Surfair' Marcoola - Eye Patch Woman

"Something about this image just makes night life feel beautiful, well at least sometimes. 

The night started out with Wookey, Buzz (Wookeys dog) and I sinking some cold ones at the bays watching the sunset, talking shit and  listening to music. What more can you ask for! It got dark and after a few tins, Wookey and I had the itch to hit the CBH (Coolum Beach Hotel). 

Arriving at our destination, we both thought let’s hit the broken dream room and it was on! Double features at the same time just full raging against the machines going off! Wookey ended up winning $500 off a 60 cent bet so we were both laughing. Fancy drinks started flowing, rapid intoxication soon approaching. After a couple more drinks it was time to hit the club Surfair, it was karaoke night so I knew it would be going off. Stumbling around the venue I instantly noticed this lady with a eyepatch on, I couldn’t help but ask to take her photo. I always had my 35mm point and shoot on me so I told her it was for a book or something, just to try sweeten the deal and she ended up saying yes and posing at the bar. After that, the night was a bit of a blur, blacking out, fully forgot about the whole situation until a few days later. 

The roll of film sat there for awhile just collecting dust. Getting the film developed a few months after, I couldn’t help but think about what this photo was going to look like. When I got the scans back, I couldn’t believe it, just the expression on her face with the eyepatch it just hit me! To me it just feels like nightlife got the better of her, but being a black and white image it really shows the raw emotion."

The Roof of Ryan Rostirolla's Parents House (Miky, Chai, Ryan, Jake)

"This is where my photography started! Partying with everyone just trying to figure out the direction of our lives. Wouldn’t change it one bit.

Where to start, this is my home away from home, Lynn and Dan (Ryan's parents) are the type of people to let anyone into their house with open arms. From home cooked meals and a place to sleep to just feeling welcome, if you’ve been there you know what I’m talking about.

I’ve been going there since I was 15, from the age of 17 I’ve been there nearly every weekend and most nights during the week. It’s where I go to on Christmas Day to celebrate, I’ve had a lot of my birthdays and endless great memories there.

I've also had countless amounts of great times on this roof. This was the go to spot when having a couple beverages. Best rooftop bar on the coast, Ryan’s place was the venue for catching up with everyone, it’s been like that since I could remember. Nearly every time it would hit golden hour, I would always wanna get up there and watch the sunset. Being up there looking over Coolum, all my problems would stop for that moment as everyone would just sit there and watch the sunset. Most of the time none of us would even have to talk, preferring to just take in the moment.

I’m forever grateful to have such a good mate, he has been with me through a lot of shit haha. Big thank you to Ryan, Lynn and Dan, much love!"

Jon Mackellar - Brisbane City Wallride

"This is one of my all time favourite photos I’ve ever taken! Everything about it makes sense, I love how all the fellas line up together and how Jon fits perfectly in the middle. It feels like you’re just one of the homies watching it happen. 

This was from the Vans 'The Circle' 2022 day! Ryan and I drove down to Brisbane and the hype was at an all time high! Ryan just got put on LUX and got the invite to be apart of this Vans competition so we were buzzing. Getting the opportunity to film with Biggie and just mob the streets of Brissy is a very rare moment for us and it helps that we had a heavy crew of dudes including Alex Hiam, Tiny, Jon, Raph Jimmah, Will, Bigs and Tim.

There is no better feeling than mobbing the streets with a sick crew! Everybody got a few clips so the celebration beers were going down real nice. 

I remember the moment Ryan got the invite and I told my parents. My mum said well now’s the time for you to try get your photos seen by the world. I had the perfect opportunity, no excuses just hangout with the fellas and pick up the camera and shoot. 

The day when I got the message from Bigs asking if they could use my pictures, I was so fucking stoked! I can remember yelling 'fuck yes' and my parents wigging out cause I was pacing around the house just kept saying 'fuck yes' haha. 

Vans ended up using them for the website and social media, I couldn’t believe it! Huge thanks to Troy and LUX for sorting it all out and making it happen, much respect."

Random Couple - Newcastle Breakwater

"This pretty much sums up Newcastle for me, watching the sunset at the breakwall as big shipping boats get towed into the harbour.

All the other photos I’ve told the back stories about are all a few years old, but this one is from last month (July 2024). 

This is what I’ve been shooting as of lately, I got into quote on quote “street photography” late last year, I knew about it for a few years before trying it. I was always amazed with how people could just walk the streets documenting life as it goes by with not a care about getting up in peoples business capturing the weird and crazy moments humans experience. 

It’s a very intimidating thing to learn! It makes me very uncomfortable and nervous at times, but in a way, I love that feeling of not knowing what could happen or what’s around the corner. Just being able to take photos anywhere I go really helps stay inspired, the crowded the better. 

I see it a lot like how I shoot BMX, it’s very 'in the moment' most of the time you’ve only got that one shot. I barely ever take pictures of the same thing twice, even more so knowing that film is way too expensive so it makes those moments even more enjoyable when I capture it right.

This was from the second weekend I moved to Newcastle, I would go into the city and just walk around. This day was 8+ hours of trotting around getting lost taking a lot of pictures, I think I shot around 8 rolls. I was walking around heading to the ocean baths about to go get some lunch at sticky rice (place slaps haha) when I noticed these two blokes riding one filming one trying a trick. I walked up and saw that he was trying something into the bank/wallride and asked if it was his oppo or normal and he kinda looked at me like what and said it’s his normal way to spin. I think it caught him by surprise because I was wearing my runners and just appeared out of nowhere haha. 

I asked them if it was all good if I could take some pictures. Got to talking in between clips and got their names, Lachlan Kramer was the filmer and the other doing the stunt was Jye Blackman. I started chatting and asked if he wouldn’t happen to be in the Hambone Crew because I noticed he had the hat on. He was like 'yeah man I’m the filmer' just about to have a DVD premiere I was thinking 'no way of course the first riders I meet it’s the filmer' so we started talking cameras. 

Jye ended up getting the clip, had a little battle. Afterwards, the boys asked what I was doing and if I wanted to go get a beer, with me not drinking I said 'yeah I'll get a coke' haha. Started chatting and we had a lot of mutual friends like Cobe, it was great being able to talk about BMX, felt like a months I couldn’t chat about it. 

Later, a few of the other crew rocked up super hungover, it looked like they had a good night beforehand. Lachlan said they’re going to go hit some other spots if I’m keen to come with them. We ended up hanging for a few hours showing me around the city.  They were going to a mates house for drinks. It was golden hour and I was keen to see some more of the city before it got dark so I walked to the lighthouse at Nobbys Beach and thought stuff it might as well do the whole breakwall walk was running real low on film and only had about 10 frames left. 

Finally got to the end, it felt like 10kms haha. I then saw this couple seated in between the poles and was like 'damn that’s a nice shot' then boom, a tug boat comes past at the perfect time. 

I’m currently working on a 'zine from around Newcastle, I've got around 40+ rolls waiting to be developed. I’ve been posting some outtakes on my website so keep ya eyes peeled."

Ben Winter - Coolum Bowl Table

"This is when my BMX photography hit an all time high! For context, I've been shooting BMX related stuff like the lifestyle and BTS but never took pictures of riding/doing stunts.

Sunday sesh was at the Coolum pub with Chai Moody and a few others, beers flowing just having a blast when I got a message from an OG Coolum local skater (Jye) asking if I wanted to buy a box of his film cameras, like an actual box full of 10+ cameras, two super 8s, a flat bed scanner, just heaps of shit! He was moving back down to Melbourne in a couple days and it had to go ASAP.

Chai and I were going back and forward about what prices and just getting way too hyped with what he had to offer, both said that we’ll go half’s in paying for everything when his misso at the time said she’ll just tattoo Jye and for us not to worry about paying for it! So I shot him the offer, he said yes, Moody and I were fucking stoked helped heaps that Chai won a mad meat tray as well, after the beers and steaks were done I went and picked it up. That night going through it all I couldn’t believe what we had just scored.

I found a newer looking film camera, a Canon EOS 1000, also know as the REBEL which came out in 1990. It reminded me of a digital camera as it had the option of using all automatic mode with a sports feature for a quick shutter and it had a clean 28mm lens which is perfect for what I like to shoot. I didn’t even know if it worked but it had to be tested.

Anyways I hit up Benny to come test it out at Coolum. While waiting for him, I loaded a roll of Fuji film 200 colour which is very rare for me as I normally only shoot black and white. I then watched the surf having a few brews just doing a couple test shots trying to figure out how the camera works.

Right when Ben turned up, I was keen as! Asked him to roast a big ass table in the bowl with barely any warm up time, sun setting in the worst possible spot right in the eyes haha. At that time I had never asked for someone to do something, I would normally just take the photo on the sneaky. 

Well blast one he did! I remember him going Mack 10 dropping in I was thinking 'oh shit here we go fuck I hope I get this!' I was crouched down, pressed the shutter release button at the highest point of the table praying to god I got it right. I asked if he would do it again just so I could get a couple shots but his shirt got stuck on the bars so he was like 'nah fuck that off haha' one and done!

Got the scans back and heck yes it’s not just a blank roll! I remember going through all the photos trying to find this one of Ben and when I first saw it I was blown away. I was like 'as if I did that!' The golden hour sun hitting him and the tires, it was frickin dope feeling even better 'cause it’s at the park we all grew up on.

After this I knew it was time to step my game up being able to actually take photos of stunts, so I was hyped for the future."

If you want to follow Brok moving forward, take a look at his instagram (Brok_Benjamin) and even moreso, his Squarespace which is photo heavy!