All Hail the King!

The third Annual King Of BNE just happened and what a weekend it was! I can’t believe the passion and chaos we got to witness out there in the streets of our beloved river city.
This year was a little more special with pros from across the globe flying in to be part of the mayhem.
With all the major BMX media outlets' lenses pointed at the action we knew we were in for a ripper and it did not disappoint! The plan was simple. Start at Paddo, ride from there to LUXBMX via a few spots we happened to pass along the way.
Starting at the famous Suncorp rails with Jimmah gapping into pegs, paying homage to Jerry V, things got sendy pretty quick!
There was so much that happened during the day that I won’t touch everything, but be sure to watch the videos and take in all the photos.
It’s days like this that makes BMX what it is and we wouldn’t be able to do it without all the help from all the dudes behind the scene. You all know who you are and we can’t thank you enough!
We wound back up to the shop to enjoy some music, cold drinks and another rail session before capping the night by announcing Brayden McPharlin as the new King of BNE and witnessing a new video courtesy of Boyd Hilder and Troy Charlesworth for Federal Bikes!
If you happened to miss this one make sure to keep an eye out for the official edit and the release of the date for next year's King of BNE!
Tim and the LUXBMX Crew